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Welcome to a behind-the-scenes look at the
"glamorous" life of a working musician.
We were the backup band for the Colgate Country Music Showdown held at Wolff
Stadium Aug. 28. Here we are setting up on home plate.

Rehearsal is sometimes fun! 
Here are some backstage photos from July 4 at the Lackland AFB Star-Spangled

We recently played for the St. Padre Pio Catholic Church Festival. It
was really muddy out on the baseball field and we needed help getting our
equipment to the stage. Thanks to the Boy Scouts for helping out!

Sometimes we even get called on for extra duty. Ralph helped with the
live auction at the Reagan High School Sports Assn. fundraiser:

Recently Tony played in the Tim Duncan Charity Golf Classic held at The
Palmer Course, La Cantera. In January Tony, Chilton, and Ralph
participated in Tim's 2003 Bowlathon. Here are some photos:

We relaxed after an extremely busy December and celebrated the success of
2002 with dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. John's buying dinner next

Some more behind-the-scenes photos:

But it's not all work and no play! Recently, Cactus Country Band
sponsored a team at the Tim Duncan Bowling-For-Dollars charity event to benefit
cancer research. Little did we know, our drummer Ralph Guzman CAN
BOWL! Our team won Best Game, Game 2 at the event. Everyone had a
wonderful time!